Are you actively having interest to conceive or contemplating starting a family? The preparation
considers various points for one’s body for pregnancy and many more. Whether you are welcoming
your 1 st , 2 nd , or any child, the ensuing steps are crucial in setting the stage for a pregnancy marked by
optimal health.

Nutrition for One
One shall place prime focus on having a healthy diet. You need to consider the proper nutrition intake
including ample calcium, protein, iron, and folic acid. Take maximum of fruits, vegetables, nuts, leafy
green vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
Say no to baked products, chips, soda, and other low-nutrient junk foods. Keep a close eye on the
nutrition value while making your choice of food.
Embrace Physical Activity
A healthy body with a healthy mind delves a healthy baby. This is not only a saying but a very important
factor when you are planning a baby. Start your day for minimum 30 minutes of light feet exercise such
as walk on most days. Apart from walking some other exercise options such as bicycling and swimming
helps in improving and maintaining a healthy body. If interested, you can also plan to join a prenatal
exercise class.
Manage Your Weight
Striking a balance with your weight is essential for fertility.
Being underweight can pose challenges to conception, while carrying excess weight increases the risk of
diabetes and high blood pressure. Additionally, excessive weight may contribute to prolonged labor, an
outcome best avoided.
Include Folic Acid in Your Routine
Folic acid – is a very vital and crucial that helps in averting severe birth defects. Along with intake of
supplements of folic acid, increase intake of various foods such as leafy greens, beans, and citrus. Many
women often require a supplement to ensure adequate intake.
When you have planning of a healthy baby, at least 400 microgram folic acid is required as your folic
acid regimen with a daily vitamin.
Prioritize Your Health Checkup
Before beginning your way to parenthood, understand the discussion of all your plans with your doctor.
Strategies for managing any existing health conditions
Recommendations for prenatal vitamins
Necessary tests or vaccines
Open communication with your healthcare provider will help establish a proactive approach to
your preconception health.
Limit Caffeine Intake
Maintain account of your caffeine consumption because as per many experts, a 200 milligrams per day
caffeine is recommend when you are planning a family and during pregnancy. This means approximately
2-3 cups of tea or coffee can be taken in the whole day. If needed then one can try for some alternatives
as well like warm or spiced milk.
Kick the Smoking Habit
Smoking poses several challenges to fertility and can impede your ability to conceive. Having in flow of
smoking during your pregnancy can elevates the risk of various issues such as low birth weight,
premature birth, and miscarriage. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome –SIDS can also happen if you expose
your baby to cigarette smoke.
Financial Planning for Parenthood
Babies come with various needs, and they can go through approximately 8,000 diapers before mastering
potty training! Essential items include clothes, a car seat, a stroller, and potentially formula and bottles.
Begin compiling a list of necessary supplies and start your search early. Additionally, factor in expenses
for doctor visits and potential childcare services.
Wrap up
We have mentioned some very important yet effective ways that are mandatory for a woman who is on
her family way. Giving birth to a healthy baby is only possible with a healthy body with healthy mind.